Here are the differences between Personal, Professional and Business accounts:
Verified Business Accounts:
As a verified business account, there are no limits on the transactions! You can send and receive transactions without worrying about limits. 🚀
Single withdrawal limit: 25,000 AED
Fees: 2.6% + 1 AED per transaction
Free cash-outs once a day
The process can take 1-2 business days for cash-outs of 25,000 AED or less, and 4-5 business days for cash-outs above that amount.
ZiiBoard, Payment links, QR codes, Multi-user access
Professional Accounts:
Per transaction limit: 3,600 AED
Money received per month limit: 25,000 AED
Money sent per month limit: 140,000 AED
Single withdrawal limit: 18,000 AED
Fees: 2.6% + 1 AED per transaction
Free cash-outs once a day
The process can take 1-2 business days for cash-outs of 18,000 AED or less, and 4-5 business days for cash-outs above that amount.
ZiiBoard, Payment links, QR codes
Personal Accounts:
Per transaction limit: 3,600 AED
Balance limit: 18,000 AED
Single withdrawal limit: 18,000 AED
Single received transfer minimum: 2 AED
Single Received Transfer Maximum: 3,600 AED
Total Volume Sent in a Calendar Month: 25,000 AED
Total Volume Received in a Calendar Month: 50,000 AED
Sent Transfers Fee: Every month, You can send 5,000 AED free of charge per month using certain payment methods. The fees are 2.9% + 1 AED for every transfer beyond that. Transfers to businesses are not included in this and are free of charge for the sender.
Received External Payment Fee: You will not be charged to receive funds from a non-Ziina user, the payer will be charged 2.9% + 1 AED. Although, they can join Ziina and send the payment through the app, free of charge too.